June 11, 2004

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capital Area Archivists was held on Friday, June 11, 2004, at the Capital District Library Council in Albany, NY.

Board members present: Craig Carlson, Rachel Donaldson, Chris Hunter, Brian Keough, Jean Root Mahalov, Peter Runge, Amy Rupert, Amy C. Schindler, Bonnie Weddle, and Geoff Williams.

President Amy Schindler called the meeting to order shortly after noon.

I. Minutes
The board approved the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on March 31, 2004.

II. Membership
Membership Chair Chris Hunter presented the membership report.

III. Financial Report
Treasurer Brian Keough presented the financial report.

IV. Capital Region Archives Dinner
Chris Hunter reported that the Capital Region Archives Dinner would be held on Wednesday, October 6 at the Mohawk Golf and Country Club in Schenectady and that Richard Tucker of the Adirondack Research Library would speak about researching his forthcoming book on skiing in the Adirondacks.

V. MARAC Joint Meeting Draft Agreement
The board discussed the draft agreement relating to CAA’s co-sponsorship of the 2005 MARAC conference, which will be held on April 21-23 in Albany. The board agreed to accept the terms of the proposed agreement, which mandates that CAA advance $250 to MARAC. In return, CAA will receive a share of the profits generated by the conference; in turn, profits from the conference be divided up between CAA, MARAC, and the New York Archives Conference (which is also co-sponsoring the conference) according to the number of members respectively indicating affiliation with either CAA, MARAC, or NYAC on their registration forms; if the conference does not generate a profit, the losses will be divided in like fashion. The board also discussed ways in which CAA can make the conference a success: allowing MARAC access to its membership list, staffing the conference registration desk, hosting organized dinners after the April 22 reception, and leading guided tours of area facilities.

VI. Fall Program
After some discussion, the board agreed that the CAA Fall Program would focus on access restrictions and would be held on either Thursday, November 11 or Tuesday, November 16 at the Foundation of New York State Nurses in Guilderland. Rachel Donaldson of the Foundation of New York State Nurses agreed to speak about HIPAA and reported that Robert Freeman of the New York State Committee on Open Government was willing to speak about the state’s Freedom of Information Law. The board agreed that a third speaker would be added. [Note: the event will be held on November 16, and Chris Hunter will be the third speaker.]

VII. Other Business
The board discussed two other pieces of business:

The board planned to ask Newsletter Editor John Diefenderfer to establish an early September deadline for submissions to the fall 2004 edition of the CAA newsletter. [The newsletter was produced and distributed in mid-September.]

President Amy Schindler reported that Assemblyman Ronald Canestrari, Senator Neil Breslin, and Senator Betty Little had responded to CAA’s resolution calling for passage of legislation ending the “sunset” provisions relating to the state’s Cultural Education Fund.

Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie Weddle