
Laura Montgomery is an Archivist at the New York State Archives where she works as part of a team to create an accessible online presence, assist in the implementation of an audiovisual program, and develop solutions and practices for electronic records management. She has presented at SAA, MARAC, DHPSNY and NYAC on electronic records and website usability, and has been a Program Committee member for AMIA, MARAC, and NYAC.

Corine Chatnik

Mark Wolfe

Annual Dinner Coordinator
Alexis Bhagat is a new archives professional who recently graduated from University at Albany-SUNY. He is currently a Library Intern at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute working with media archives created by EMPAC. He was the Executive Director of the Friends & Foundation of Albany Public Library from 2016 to 2023.

Web Administrator
Mark Wolfe is the Curator of Digital Collections in the Special Collections department at the University at Albany, where he also graduated with an MLS and an MA in History. Mark just completed an audio digitization project that transferred 160+ folk music recordings from the Fox Hollow Festival, a folk music festival that ran from 1966 to 2000 in Petersburg, New York. Among other duties in the department, Mark coordinates with vendors on an array of reformatting projects as well as in-house digitization of aging media formats. Mark has published and presented on issues surrounding digitization as well as environmental sustainability in the archival profession. Mark plays ice hockey in the winter and runs in the summer.

Program and Communications Leader

Melissa McMullen is the Research Services Archivist at the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives, University at Albany. In this role she supports the public services functions of the department including reference, instruction, and educational engagement. Melissa is actively developing a formal instructional program in which we can cultivate and foster partnerships to enhance student learning with primary sources. This initiative aims to further expand and promote the use of archival materials and digital content by supporting active and experiential learning. Having previously served as the department’s Project Archivist these new responsibilities were a natural fit. In addition to her job role, she is also an Adjunct Instructor in the University at Albany’s Department of Information Science & Technology. Since 2022, she has been teaching a graduate level introductory survey course, The Information Environment. As a 2013 MSIS graduate of the program herself, she hopes to prepare prospective archivists for the field. By reducing barriers of access and instilling confidence in undergraduates via primary source education it is her hope that they will gain the crucial skills to go forth and traverse the information landscape.